Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 12 - 17, Thailand - Koh Samui Island

We left Bangkok on Monday morning, Sept 12th, at 10 am (the flight was 1 hour late) to get to the island of Kow Samui (recommended by Vincent - another good recommendation!). The flight is about one hour long, getting our luggage at the airport takes about 10 minutes and the ride to the resort is also about 10 minutes.
By 1 pm, we were at the pool bar enjoying happy hour!! We basically spent our fisrt day by the pool, and had a nice dinner by the beach. Had a massage on Tuesday, shopping on Wednesday, with dinner at another hotel by the water. We had more massages on Thursday (massages are so cheap - about 12 CAD for 1 hour massage!!) and again went out for dinner in another part of the island. We took a cab to get there, about 30 minute drive, only to find out that they couldn't sit us until 9 pm (a phone call in the afternoon would have prevented this trip for nothing!). We therefore took another cab and started heading back to the "downtown" area, where we had dinner and stopped in a bar for a drink afterwards.
We went Cable riding (ziplining) in the tropical forest and the mountains on Friday; it was a blast! We had a really good time. We had our last dinner at the resort, by the beach, then boarded a plane at 10 pm to fly back to Bangkok. Koh Samui was a very nice part of our trip: just what we needed, a lot of relaxation and a bit of shopping and excitement (no, the two don't go together!!). All in all, it was a very nice stay, and we really enjoyed it to the utmost. Got to our hotel in Bangkok around midnight, and left the next day around 1 pm for the airport, to get back to Muscat. Holidays are over.
Pretty flower growing on trees
Not sure what those things are.
Close up
We fell in love with this flower: the peep flower

Another pretty flower growing on trees
Villas near our resort
Pool at the resort
One of our favorite place: the pool bar!!
The beach
A fisherman's boat

View from the resort restaurant
Jacqui having a "Wow wow"
At the entrance of our resort
From the lobby, over the pond and to the ocean
Sunrise at the resort (Jacqui was up; I wasn't - I'm looking at the pictures just like you are!)

Banana tree, at the resort
Cable riding (aka zip lining in North America)

The aquarium, in the men's washroom, at the airport in Koh Samui (small airport - 6 gates)

Friday, September 23, 2016

September 9 - 12: Thailand - Bangkok

After our return from the Floating Market, we visited the Grand Palace, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha (Wat Phra Kaew), the Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wat Pho) and Wat Traimit (no english name that I could find!!), a temple with a solid gold Buddha (5.5 tons of gold!); the solid gold part was discovered under a plain coating of stucco and plaster in 1955.
It made for a busy day, but we were back at the hotel by 4pm. We then went for dinner at a restaurant where Vincent had gone the summer before, during his trip to Asia. It was kind of neat to eat in the same place that our son did a year before, halfway around the world! The meal was actually pretty good too, thanks Vin!
Bridge with illuminated cables

View from our hotel room

At the temple of the Emerald Buddha

The temple of the reclining Buddha

The reclining Buddha

Wat Traimit