Friday, May 2, 2014

Thursday, May 1st - It's tough getting back

Getting back to work after our week in London was hard. Jacqui went home when we arrived and took the day off; I went to work. It made for an early evening that night! It took us a few days to get back into the swing of things. The rest of the week was fine. Time is flying by; we'll be done in a month and a half. We will also be back in Canada in less than two weeks (May 14th to 18th) for Julie's graduation. We are very much looking forward to that! The upcoming weekend should be fairly quiet (what a surprise). We'll probably go to the Palms as temperatures are now in the mid to high 30's - nice beach and pool weather! Jacqui started tutoring again and I've got exams to prepare. Sounds like a lot of fun!!

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