Monday, June 9, 2014

Monday, June 9th - 48 degrees, and British lingo

48 degrees on Monday afternoon... no need to say more.

From Jacqui, teaching in a British School.
We came to Kuwait to teach; however, we did a lot of learning as well!!!  Besides struggling to understand the accent, there was also lots of vocabulary that I learned while teaching at a British School.

English (British)                                                  English (Canadian)

1.  Foundation Stage                                            Early years 
2.  Reception                                                        Senior Kindergarten 
3.  KG                                                                   Junior Kindergarten 
4.  Sticky chair                                                     Time out chair 
5.  Rubber                                                             Eraser 
6.  Clever                                                              Strong student 
7.  Topic                                                               Theme eg. Jungle, Spring, Farm... 
8.  Inset                                                                 PD day workshop 
9.  Y'all right?                                                       How are you? 
10.  Bin                                                                 Garbage can

11. Rubbish                                                          Garbage, junk
12. Full stop                                             Period at the end of a sentence

 Living in Kuwait 

Here are a few everyday terms that I am guessing we might continue to use from time to time... 
Insha'allah  (God willing...but actually should mean "for sure, maybe, probably not") 
Too much .. it is too much hot, too much cars, 
Backside .... our driver always picks us up "backside" of our building.

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