Monday, December 15, 2014

Sunday, December 14th - A nice weekend all around - Bonus: Julie's engaged to Dave!!!!

Our last weekend in Muscat for 2014 was very nice. Friday started out with a drive around our neighbourhood; we discovered a lot of nice places that would make for interesting walks. We then went for our walk on the beach, lunch and the Crowne to spent away the rest of the afternoon by the pool. We went out for dinner, and then called it a day. Saturday morning saw 7 of us get on a charter boat to go visit an island and swim/snorkel in a bay located about 45 minutes from here. With the 7 passengers, I couldn't help but think about Gilligan's Island; that's how it started!! The ride there and back was a little bumpy, as waves were of decent size. It was a lot worse when we left, as we had to go between two islands, and waves there were a least 10 feet high. Once we got back to shore, Jacqui and I went shopping a bit then I went to school while she stayed at the mall. The marina where we had taken off from is about 5 minutes from school, and so is the mall. We came back home late afternoon, ordered chinese food and watched TV a bit.
Our last week at school started out fine. We had a good day, but a much better evening as Julie told us that her and Dave were now engaged! We are so thrilled! We are now counting the days before coming home.
Getting ready to leave!

The spray gives an idea of the force of the waves crashing on the rocks

Much calmer inside the bay

Don't you just hate having salt on your shoes? Oops, it's not from the street salter but from the ocean, so it's not so bad!

At the mall

Our last Saturday night in Muscat for 2014

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