Thursday, June 4, 2015

Thursday, June 4th - we're coming home ... to cool off

Finally, June 4th. We will be leaving for the airport in a few hours, and will be in Toronto on Friday noonish. So we might be in Canada by the time some of you read this (we might even have gone back!). We are really looking forward to being "home". It will also be nice to get normal temperatures, as things here have been on the warm side. We hit 45 degrees on Monday and on Thursday, the humidex made it feel like 52! By the way, they call that a wind chill of 52 (see image below). Let me tell you, there was nothing chilling in there! As soon as you stepped outside, your skin would get wet instantly.

Next week, we have Vincent's graduation on Monday morning, and Nicolas' on Friday pm. The rest of our schedule is fairly busy, visiting friends and family. It will be very nice! See you soon (Insha'allah)

Half a sunset, from our table at the Crowne Plaza

A walk on the beach - kinda looking for shade!

Monday morning

Thursday morning. We don't have the same definition of wind chill!

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