Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Saturday, November 14th - Christmas shopping and going to the gym

Our week at school was fine; we had an Inset day on Sunday (equivalent to our PD days at home). It actually wasn't all that bad. We got a new timetable on Tuesday (our 4th or 5th? not sure) but there are still problems with it so rumor has it that we will get a new one again next week. Welcome to the Middle East, or is it just our school? Our school might be the problem!

We have started going to the gym - 3 times this past week - otherwise we'll have to tell our kids to buy clothing for our Christmas gifts one size (or two) up!! Now that the weather has cooled off a bit, we really enjoy our walks on the beach. Temperature is at about 30-32 and the water is still warm enough to go in for a quick dip.

 We drove to Nizwa Saturday (about 160 km) because they have a really nice souq with stuff that we don't find in Muscat; every region is different in what they have to offer, in what they produce, in what they wear. It's really neat. Nizwa has nice pottery, and a nice fort to visit!
Top of the mountains covered by clouds

Nizwa souq

Lunch time!

Spices for sale

The fort is preparing for the 45th National Holiday (Wednesday)

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