Saturday, March 12, 2016

Saturday, March 12th - An unexpected 4 day weekend!!

Weather has been weird lately. All last year, it rained about three times. In the last two weeks, it rained almost every day. Talking to students and to teachers that have been here almost 20 years, no one has ever seen anything like it. We had a wicked storm on Tuesday night. I had never seen dark clouds roll in like this before; it was quite something to see. So we found out at about 7pm that night that schools would be closed on Wednesday. With more rain on Wednesday, the Ministry of Education decided to close schools on Thursday as well. So we ended up with a four day weekend. I know that we don't close schools at home because of rain, but here we do. A rain storm here is a lot more dangerous than a snow storm at home. It causes a lot more damage that snow does. We get flash floods (8 deaths were reported due to flash floods), and water leaking into buildings. However, except for Tuesday night where we had water problems in the flat, it has been a nice relaxing weekend. Jacqui went to a colleague's birthday party on Friday. She ate bunny chow, a south african dish made of a hollowed out loaf of bread filled with Mutton-curry. She brought one back for me as well; it was very good.

We also finalized the booking of our trip for the first week of April (the equivalent of our March break). We are going to Egypt, spending three nights in Cairo and a five day cruise on the Nile. We are really looking forward to it.

Storm coming in from the water, located behind the mosque, about 40 minutes before sunset - it's pitch black outside.
Getting closer to us.
Freaky when you see it roll in like this

Picture taken from a friend (or wherever she got it from). Quite impressive.
Again, not my picture; we weren't crazy enough to be out at that time.

Preparation of Bunny Chow - the bread is being hollowed

The curry is being prepared

The bread is filled with curry

The bread that was taken out is put back on top. VoilĂ : Bunny Chow!

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