Saturday, November 19, 2016

Saturday, November 19th - National Holiday coming up!!

Yesterday was the 76th birthday of Sultan Qaboos, the leader of Oman. He has been the leader of the country for 46 years, and has brought it to the modernisation level that we see. He is a great leader, and people love him very much!

We haven't done much since Nic has left; I've been busy with exams and Jacqui has worked more on school work and her arabic class - I'm pretty much a hopeless case even though I do get the grammar part fairly well, ish... Speaking, I understand some words but would never attempt a conversation!

Weatherwise, things are cooling off a bit as we can now turn off the AC for some (short) period of time when we're home. Highs are mid to high 20's and lows are low 20's to high teens. We can put up with that!

This week will be a short week as we have a 4 day weekend coming up due to the National holiday (Wednesday and Thursday off, plus activities on Monday at school for National day); there won't be much teaching done this week, and then we have one week left before we start exams. It's crazy how time flies. In one month tomorrow, we are heading back home for the holidays. Exams mean I will not teach from Dec 1st to January 15th (Jacqui will have students until Dec 15th??) as we will have exams, come back to work on Jan. 4th and 5th - without students - then head out to Bangkok for a job fair from Jan. 8th to 11th. By the time we come back, the first teaching week will be done!

Other than that, we are fine. Keeping busy with school work, health is good, we're happy ... life is good!

At the mall, getting ready for National Day!

We were made for each other!!

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