Tuesday, February 20, 2018

February 15th - 18th: Hanoi and Halong Bay, Vietnam

We left on Thursday night, Feb 15th, for Hanoi; got to our hotel at about 9 pm. Since it was the Vietnamese New Year's Eve, just like the Chinese New Year' Eve, and we were close to Hoan Kiem Lake, where they were having fireworks at 11 pm, the area was packed with people (think of Time Square in New York on New Year's Eve: almost the same thing). Having been to Vietnam before, we knew there would be tons of scooters on the streets. But the amount of people walking on top of that was overwhelming! It was people everywhere!

Friday February 16th, New Year's Day, we boarded a bus to go to Halong Bay, in the northern part of Vietnam. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and even though we only spent a few hours there, it was quite impressive!

On Saturday, we decided to just walk around the Old Quarter, where our hotel was situated, and the French Quarter, which is close to where we were. We enjoyed a cyclo ride around Hoan Kiem Lake and then walked around many little side streets. We stopped in many small boutiques; our hotel was after all on silk street, so we had to check it out! The food was great, and it was kind of nice to be in cooler temperatures (low 20's as opposed to low 30's in Bangkok).

We really enjoy Vietnam; we will go back for sure!! But next up is Bali, at the end of this month!!
Waiting to be taken to our boat at Halong Bay

There are boats everywhere
Fish that we had for lunch on the boat. The whole meal (spring rolls, salad, pork, veggies, fish, rice, squid - didn't have any of that) was excellent!

Parts of Halong Bay

There are a few boats around!

The "kissing chicken" rocks

Totally enjoying this one day trip!

Another rock formation in Halong Bay

A gorilla or the dude from Just for Laughs (top part of the island only)??

Travelling by Bamboo boat, with locals doing the rowing!

Look at the "cat" in the rocks

We are loving it!!!!

Inside a cave on one of the islands of Halong Bay

Stalactites inside the cave

Fountain at a roundabout in Hanoi, in the Old Quart
Same roundabout, different view!

People praying at a temple

Happy New Year 2018!, with Hoan Kiem Lake in the background

Bridge leading to an island that has a temple on it

Offerings at the temple

Hoan Kiem Lake

This keyboard probably has more than 88 keys! Part of the sidewalk around the lake.
In a park, by the lake. The red plants are poinsettias!

There is a big French influence in Vietnam
The water puppet theater

Scooters waiting at an intersection. There are tons of scooters everywhere!
They teach them how to drive at an early age!!

There is also cyclos, for tourists. Yes, we took one!
Ballons for Vietnamese New Year's Day
Kids dressed up for Vietnamese New Year's Day.

St Joseph Cathedral, in the Old Quarter of Hanoi

Typical Vietnamese restaurant: small tables and small plastic stools on the sidewalk.
Going out to sell fresh vegetables
Or fresh bread

This one is selling fish!
And this one is selling fruit!

Living like a tourist!!

Pho (noodle soup with beef); super yummy!

A shopping plaza close to the lake. We didn't go in as it was closed because of Vietnamese New Year.

Small alley in our neighborhood
Most of the buildings are very narrow and long. Most of them have balconies (French influence?)!
I googled it; it's a cosmetic company!