Tuesday, April 24, 2018

April 12 - 15 - Beijing: the Great Wall of China

We landed in Beijing at about 7am on Thursday morning (April 12th) and got to our hotel by about 8:30. Since it was too early to check in, we went for a walk a found a nice mall nearby, where we could kill time! Checked in at the hotel about 11 am, slept for a few hours and then walked to Tiananmen square. That square is huge, and also has some history to it. It was nice to be able to walk there.

As for Beijing itself, we were both impressed by the electric scooters (we don't have those in Bangkok; they're all gas powered) and by all the greenery that was around everywhere. Sidewalks were far from being overcrowded, which is what we expected!

On Friday, we went up the Great Wall of China. What an experience. It was amazing. We walked from Jinshangling to Simatai; it took a little more than 3 hours but every minute was breath taking (either because we were going up and out of breath, or because of the view, or both!).

We visited the Forbidden City on Saturday; it was quite impressive. The place is huge and has 88 buildings in it (we might have missed a few!), plus parks! We then walked to Jingshan Park and Beihai Park, two beautiful parks filled with multitudes of flowers and trees. From there, we walked into a Hutong neighbourhood, which is made up of narrow streets, or alleyways. We had dinner in a very Chinese restaurant; all the patrons were local people (we were the only white folks!), so we knew the food would be good! We had Peking duck (a must in Peking/Beijing); it was really good!

The line of people waiting for our flight to Beijing

Oh, my line; we're flying business class!!

At Tiananmen square

Part of the Great Wall of China

On the wall!!

We are on the Wall!!

Spring time in Beijing!

A building in the Forbidden City

All the roofs are part ot the Forbidden City

Hungry for Italian Red Meat Flavor chips?

Bikes, for public use. They are everywhere!
Always a good time for a haircut!

Love those small cars!

We haven't seen tulips in 5 years!

In a Hutong - an area of small streets dating back to way back when.

In Beihai Park


On a wall while walking in a Hutong

Chopping up the Peking Duck

This is the final product! Peking Duck, yum!


  1. Quel beau voyage!! Super belles photos! J'aurais peur de marcher le mur de Chine avec tout ce brouillard!! J'espère qu'on aura la chance de se revoir bientôt. Continuez à vous amuser. Xx

    1. Merci Danielle! C'était pas le brouillard...c'était la pluie. Un ti peu glissant. Mais tellement impressionnant! C'est bientôt fini, notre enseignement a l'étranger. On est de retour au Canada pour de bon au mois de juillet. Back to reality! On ira luncher cet été. xoxo
