Monday, June 4, 2018

May 26 - June 4th - Railay Beach and Vincent's visit

We had a couple of quiet weekends, before the end of school year madness. Jacqui and I went to Chatuchak market one final time, on Saturday May 26th, before we head back home. This time, we got a map of the market (according to Lonely Planet, it is the second largest market in the world) and it made it a lot easier to find what we were looking for, or at least know where we were!

We had a nice brunch with colleagues from school the next day, at a restaurant by the Chao Phraya river; the main river that goes through Bangkok. It was a very nice afternoon!

Vincent arrived on Tuesday May 29th, which just happened to be a national holiday, which means Jacqui didn't have to work that day! We did a few things around the neighbourhood and flew to Krabi on Friday morning, to then take a van to a pier and then hop a longboat to get to our resort at Railay Beach. People say it's one of the most beautiful beaches in Thailand, and they are probably right. The beach itself is not very big, but the sand is very nice and the scenery is incredible. There are no way to get there by car, so it is pretty quiet; all you hear is the sound of the waves, and the longboats coming and going. It was quite a nice weekend. It was also our last weekend in Thailand, which is kinda sad. We really enjoyed this country and will surely return.

For now, Jacqui has school until June 8th, then she will be really retired. We are then heading off to Australia for two weeks then come back to Thailand for two days and finally go back home for good on June 27th.

                      Our rotee guy; he's not sure where the T-shirt came from (we also don't speak the same language),                                                                   but it is from Waterloo (indicated by the sponsors on the back)

Jacqui and our cook; we have to learn how to make this paella; it is so yummy!

Thai paella: chicken, pork, mussels, prawns, rice, veggies, ...

By the restaurant of our Sunday Brunch

Happy couple!

Vincent and Jacqui in our longboat, on our way to Railay Beach

Longboats; the mode of transportation from one island to the next

Jacqui on the pathway that goes from one side of the peninsula to the other side (about 400 m)

Tunnel into the cave

Great spot for rock climbing

Sunset on Railay Beach

It's a tough life!!!
Longboats waiting for tourists to depart

Our first mode of transportation to get home, followed by a van and a plane. Water, land and air; we have them all!

Not sure why we're smiling; we are getting ready to leave this beautiful place!

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