Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday, September 9th - One of those days

Yup, one of those days for both of us. Good thing we can laugh about it, ... at the end of it. Wasn't always funny during, though. It started out early, with my Sunday blog being deleted before 6am (if there is a way to retrieve something deleted on this blog, I haven't found it). I must admit that the first version of the Sunday blog was pretty boring (so is the one that is posted now, but ... what can you do?). This morning, the driver that takes us to school was late; only a few minutes, but that's never happened before. When we got to school, Jacqui had a prep time first thing in the morning, but the teacher that was supposed to take her class was absent and there are no supply teachers at school. You have to cover for missing people, so her prep time disappeared. She wasn't to happy about that. On the high school side, we're still missing one teacher (she arrived from Canada on Saturday but wasn't at school on Sunday), so we had to cover for that. Being the first real day of school, we had students going to the wrong classes, teachers messed up with the schedule, lockers that are already locked or don't open, the supervision schedule practically ignored by some teachers, ... it was mayhem. My lunch supervision (in a portable) should have been 20 minutes but lasted 45 minutes because the teacher that was supposed to come teach the class I was in, was covering in another room waiting for someone to replace her.

Good thing we're still having fun. Tomorrow will probably be better. To be continued!

1 comment:

  1. It doesn't sounds like it was too much fun for both of you. Hope you have a better day tomorrow and keep up your great sense of humour!!!
