Sunday, March 6, 2016

Sunday, March 6th - Quiet on the home front!

Our last two weeks have been pretty quiet. I've been fighting a bug (and not necessarily winning) for a bit and now it seems that it's Jacqui's turn. Work is fine and our weekends are quiet. We had rain on three consecutive days last week; never seen that before in the Middle East. We did not however get a rain day. We're hoping for one this week as they are calling for more rain. Time will tell.

We made lasagnas on the weekend and started planning a trip to Egypt for the first week of April; it will be our mid-semester break. Details and pictures to come later.

Sunset in Qurum - early February

A rainbow, rarely seen in the Middle East

Sun will set - early March. Compare to the first picture: quite a change in position.

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