Thursday, February 26, 2015

Friday, February 20th - Night at the Opera House

Work week was fine, except that Jacqui had a cold all week. She did take Sunday off, and had sports day with the grade 4's on Tuesday. It was very hectic from what she said - not that much fun at all.

We didn't do much all week; we even missed quiz night on Tuesday. On Friday, our friend Sandy (my former principal from Kuwait) arrived for a visit. She has next week off so she decided to come down to Oman for part of it. We picked her up at the airport, went for lunch and then back home. At night, we went to the Opera House to see the musical "My Fair Lady". It was a very nice evening. The Opera House is such a nice venue, fairly small, but every seat is a good seat. Being fourth row from the front kinda gives you a good seat anyway ... We had a heat wave as temperatures really warmed up towards the end of the week. While our friends in Ontario were suffering at -37, we were at 38 on Friday (that's a 75 degree difference!!). It was very hot for this time of year, but between the Ontario and Oman temperatures, I'll take the hot one!
Temperature on February 20th in Muscat

Jacqui and Sandy, at the Opera House

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