Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday, April 10th - Recap of Egypt - Part 1: Cairo and Giza Plateau

We left Muscat in the early evening of Thursday, March 31st, to fly to Cairo. We got greeted by someone from the tour company at the airport, even before we crossed passport control and security. He got us our tourist visas, and then took us to our driver who took us to our hotel (crossing the Nile to get from Cairo to Giza along the way) where we had a view of the pyramids from our room. It was kind of cool to see that.

Friday morning, we had breakfast at the hotel then headed out to see the Grand Pyramids of the Giza Plateau and the Sphynx. On the way, we got to meet the other two couples that were on the same tour as we were. They were both from the States (Utah and California) and were very nice. We ended having a lot of fun together throughout the week. From the pyramids, we went to Memphis (Egypt, not Tennessee) to visit the step pyramid of Djoser, built in the 27th century BC by Imhotep in Saqqara. We came back to the hotel late afternoon and went back to the pyramids at Giza for a light and sound show on the pyramids and the Sphynx. It was pretty cool.

Saturday saw us leave early again, this time getting a guided tour of old Cairo, including the impressive Egyptian Museum. We visited an old mosque and an old church. We also went to a cotton shop and a place where they make (and sell!) papyrus. It was really cool to see. After lunch, we went to the airport to catch our flight from Cairo to Luxor, where we will start our cruise on the river Nile. It has been a very busy first two days, but very enriching. Deatils about Luxor and the rest of the trip to follow in the next blog, tomorrow Insha'Allah!
View from our hotel room: quite impressive
What we've seen in Cairo and Giza, and surrounding area
Pyramid of Khufu, the largest one on the Giza Plateau

Up on the wall of the pyramid of Khufu
Pyramid of Khafre, second largest one on Giza Plateau

Pyramid of Menkaure, smallest of the three pyramids at Giza Plateau

The two smallest pyramids of the palteau of Giza
The Sphynx, guarding the pyramid of the plateau of Giza

The three pyramids of Giza Plateau
The step pyramid of Djoser, at Saqqara

Hieroglyphics at Mit Rahina Museum 

Statue of Ramses II

Photo is turned 90 degrees to make it look standing up
Papyrus production: the plant, the maker and the final product.
Our yummy lunch!

The Citadel of Salah Al-Din (an old muslim mosque)

Part of the ceiling inside the Citadel
Mosaic inside the Hanging Church (or Suspended Church)

Our security guard, in the background: he accompanied us all day (and carried a gun)
Small part of the Khan El Khahili Bazaar
Boat where we had lunch, on the Nile River!!
The Egyptian Museum, home to over 120 000 statues!
Photos were not allowed in the museum.

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