Sunday, April 24, 2016

Sunday, April 24th - we finish school one week early

Upon our return from our holidays, we were told that we would finish school on June 23rd as opposed to June 30th. Because of Ramadan, we want our students to finish writing their exams before they start fasting, therefore our whole schedule has been moved up one week, This therefore means that we are flying out on the 23rd and getting home on the 24th of June. We are really looking forward to that.

We've been back from Egypt for two weeks already. It was a little rough going back to work on the first Sunday, but by now, things are back to normal. So is our daily life: walk on the beach on weekends, a bit of time at the Crowne Plaza on Thursday afternoons, school work on week nights ... just basic everyday stuff! Nothing exciting in the last few days.

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