Friday, September 29, 2017

Saturday, September 30th - End of a busy month!

Jacqui met up with Julie and Michelle on Saturday morning, Sept 23rd,  at the airport; I joined them later in the  afternoon after my Vball tournament (and spending 2 hours in a taxi to travel about 4 km). We went to two rooftop restaurants; one to eat and one to have after-dinner drinks. It was really cool and both had very nice views of Bangkok! We stayed downtown Bangkok that night - the girls at a hostel and us at a hotel (they're backpacking; we're not!).
On Sunday morning, we went to the Chatuchak Market, one of the largest market in the world, It covers over 32 square kilometers! That's like 5 and change Km by 5 and change Km of shopping. Needless to say, we didn't cover the whole thing! But if you need something, I'm sure they have it somewhere! I'm not a shopper but it was actually quite interesting to see. We'll have to go back and explore some more; there are a lot of shops that have potential for things to buy!

Parts of Bangkok by night, from the 54th floor

Mother and daughter in Bangkok


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