Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Friday, Aug 29th – Our first weekend!

Our first weekend in Oman! Unfortunately, we spent most of our day shopping. I started the day by making a batch of spaghetti sauce (yeah, we cooked something!!) and then went shopping for the afternoon. We had to pick up a few things for the apartment, including a TV! Our evening was quiet; we had a visit from a colleague – we chatted for a while. We had a late dinner, our first one in the apartment. There is however some frustration in the air: our Internet doesn’t work. What a pain. I also don’t have my HDMI cable to plug my computer into the TV. So right now, watching TV means exactly that, watching a black screen. On the bright side, we are finally over our jet lag, and our sleep pattern is now back to normal, or as normal as can be! We have been here a week already and have thoroughly enjoyed it. It is a beautiful place, with very nice and friendly people. 

1 comment:

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