Friday, September 19, 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd – First real day of class – no residency

Today was our first real day of class. My day was OK; I saw all my groups and everyone seems eager to start. Jacqui’s day was a little different. The grade 4 schedule is all messed up, so sometimes she is scheduled to be with two groups at once, and sometimes her students have to be in two different places at the same time. It makes it interesting! We couldn’t go for our fingerprints after school, as their communication system was down. We were told that we should be able to do it early next week. It kind of sucks as I would have liked to go back to Kuwait on Thursday, to close that chapter. I cannot leave the country without my residency as it voids my work visa. So, hopefully things will happen early next week. We went to the Crowne Plaza after work, in dire need of a cold drink! Every time we sit there, we realize how lucky we are to be here; the place is amazing. Jacqui will be fine this year!! 

1 comment:

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