Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Sunday, April 5th - Our stay in Dubai (with mega pics!)

Now that we are in Dubai, we parked the car and are taking public transit or cabs for the weekend! We had lunch near the hotel then took the metro to the Mall of the Emirates. We took Julie to see the ski hill inside the mall, then there was a minimal amount of shopping done. We came back then went to the Conrad hotel to have a drink at The Cave, a pretty cool wine bar, where you can have your drinks in small rooms or lying down on a bed, if you wish. We then went out for part of the evening to the Burj Al Arab, a 7-star hotel. It was obviously very nice and the service was outstanding.

On Saturday morning, we went on a desert safari. You basically get picked up at the hotel by a Range Rover, drive to the desert and joy ride in the sand dunes for a while. It is a lot of fun. We also had a short camel ride and Julie did one run of sand boarding. It doesn't slide as much as snow, changing direction is practically imposible, and you have to walk up the hill on foot, so one run was enough! After we got back to Dubai, we went to the Dubai Marina area. We walked around a bit and had dinner on the 52nd floor of an hotel. The view was quite impressive and the meal was very good. It was a very nice day.

On Sunday morning, we took the metro to the Dubai Mall, which is connected to the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building/structure in the world (830 m/2722 feet). The observatory is on the 124th floor, and you get there in 60 seconds with the elevator. The view was not as clear as it could have been as it was fairly hazy that morning. But still, the cars on the streets below were pretty small. After we came down, we visited the mall. We spent a little bit of time at the skating rink and at the aquarium, before going shopping and having lunch. We got back to our hotel late in the afternoon, and that was it for that day. We had planned on going back to this mall to see the fountains at night (they put on a great show from what we hear) but it didn't happen.

We have had three very nice days in Dubai, and tomorrow, we leave for Jordan. Can't wait!

Friday's pics
At the ski hill, at Mall of the Emirates

You can also do some sliding

The cave - a wine bar

Happy to be together!

Julie's drink at Burj Al Arab: the bottom part is dry ice

7 star hotel is not cheap - divide by 3 to get rough CAD equivalent

Part of the entrance to the bar

Lobby of the hotel

Aquarium by the escalator

Flower arrangements made of roses, with fountains shooting water, in the lobby
Saturday's pics

The desert near Dubai

Two camels chilling in the morning sun

Going up! (the sand should be yellow, not blue!)

Coming down!

It ain't snow!!

Signs posted on the metro

Dubai Marina

Julie at Marina Dubai

View from the 52nd floor of the Marriott
Sunday's pics

Replica of the Burj Khalifa, at the entrance to the observatory

The "lake" where they have the fountains, seen from 124 floors up.

Skyscrappers, seen from way up

The Dubai Mall

Where we`re at!

Floor 124, going down

It's a small world!!

On top of the man made world!

Ajouter une légende

The waterfall, in the Dubai Mall
The skating rink, at Dubai Mall

The aquarium, at Dubai Mall

Burj Khalifa

1 comment:

  1. A 7 star hotel?? Who knew! -- Love, love the pics! - Looking forward to seeing Jordan.
