Wednesday, November 21, 2018

California November 2nd to 16th: San Francisco

This blog has been used for sharing our travels over the last five years while teaching abroad. Since that is over with, but we are still travelling, I will keep using it to share our travels with you. So here we go ...

November 2nd: We met Julie and Dave at Pearson International airport in Toronto late afternoon. We shared a bite to eat then boarded our flight to San Francisco. Upon arrival, we picked up our rental car and drove to our Airbnb, located about 10 - 15 minutes from downtown.

November 3rd: We had breakfast at an outdoor restaurant then walked around town for a while, visiting Lombard Street (the crooked street in SF), Ghirardelli Square, then took a trolley to Chinatown and Union Square, to finally end up in the Mission district. We went back home to freshen up and then drove to San Jose to see the Sharks and the Flyers play each other. It was quite a fun game to watch!

November 4th: We drove to Napa Valley for some wine tasting. We stopped at three places, Castello di Amorosa (a castle that was built 30 years ago), Sterling Vineyards (you need to take an aerial tram to get to to actual winery) and Robert Mondavi Winery. The scenery was amazing, but the wine itself was not. It was very expensive and the wines we tasted seemed to be very average. We all were a little disappointed with that.

November 5th: We all got on a boat and went to Alcatraz, to get a tour of the Rock. It was amazing. It was quite instructive as the self guided tour was very well done (narrated by former guards or "guests" of Alcatraz). Upon our return, we walked around Fisherman's wharf for a while before calling it a day.

November 6th: We checked out of our Airbnb, which was very nice by the way, and drove to the Golden Gate Bridge, before leaving San Fran to drive down to Seaside, close to Monterey/Carmel by the Sea (details of the drive will be in the next blog entry).

Our first view of the Golden Gate Bridge

Lombard Street
The bottom of Lombard Street

Taking a trolley to Chinatown/Union Square
Enjoying the ride!
The SAP Center

Go Sharks!

Game on!!!
Castello di Amorosa

A peacock at Castello di Amorosa

Wine tasting area

Are you ready??? I think they are!!

Part of Napa Valley, seen from the Sterling Vineyards

The "goods", at Sterling Vineyards

Robert Mondavi Winery
Alcatraz - The Rock

The "welcome center" where you get your uniform, towel, ...
Shower room, good for 40 at a time.
Indoor accomodations
It's a gated community!
Lock her up or let her loose???
The yard at the Rock


View of San Francisco's skyline from Alcatraz

The Golden Gate Bridge, from Alcatraz
Sea Lions chilling on docks. They make so much noise!

At sunset, at Pier 39

Alcatraz, seen form Pier 39

At the Golden Gate Bridge

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