Saturday, August 31, 2013

Friday, August 30th - Our first "real" day off

Got to love Friday's! We did cleaning, laundry, groceries ... almost looking forward to going back to school!
Jacqui in the hall of our apartment building

But nothing is easy. We tried to locate a "dollar" store when we went grocery shopping ... couldn't find it. We know it exists as we drove by last week (it's very close to the grocery store) but our cab driver didn't know what we were talking about and we couldn't recognize the building, so it reminds me of a popular jingle ... "think of the money you're going to save"!
Our grocery store - food on lower and middle floor, electronics on lower floor and clothing on upper floor.

As for laundry, the washing machine in the apartment is great, but like many places in Europe and the Middle East, there are no dryers. This means that all our clothes are wrinkled, which by default means a lot of ironing. We are seriously thinking of hiring a maid to do the cleaning and ironing (once a week).

It gets so hot in Kuwait that they have water stations along the road. People stop by, grab a drink or refill their water bottle, then keep going. There are even places where there is a cup to drink from ... they all drink from the same cup (not sure I would do that).
Water station in front of our building
We also rearranged our apartment a bit (all 8 pieces of furniture!) We moved the table and the three chairs by the patio door so we can have a view of Kuwait when we sit down. It's a lot nicer than looking at a wall.
Room with a view!
In the late afternoon/early evening, five of us attended a presentation offered by the American University of Kuwait. It was kind of a "Welcome to Kuwait" type of thing. We didn't stay till the end as it was pretty much geared towards americans (we missed the meal but took home two pieces of cheesecake!)

That's it for tonight. We have to go to school Saturday because Jacqui wants to work in her classroom before the students get there on Sunday. 

Have a very good long week-end! Be safe.

Jacqueline's turn ... It has been 1 week since we arrived!! Hard to believe. It is definitely overwhelming, from taxis to the heat and such a different school setting. Lots to absorb, culture shock has set in for sure. Very glad that we are 2 in this adventure! Nice to have my hubby to help ease the adjustment. We have met so many wonderful people also, so there is never a dull moment. As for laundry...the decision has been made!!! As they say, when in Rome, do as the Romans....well when in Kuwait, get a maid!!!
I am signing off ... have to get some zzzzz!! Thinking of everyone back home lots. Thank goodness for the internet. So nice to skype and facebook and email to keep in touch!

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