Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesday August 27th - the day we went missing!

The day at school was busy. Jacqui didn't have much time to work in her class and I basically had meetings all day. After school, we decided to go shopping downtown Kuwait City.  There is a teacher store very similar to Scholar's Choice...just a tad more expensive!!To reduce our cab cost, we took the shuttle from school (there are 2 shuttle buses for teachers) that would take us closer to dowtown, since we live in the opposite direction. We got out at one of the apartment buildings where teachers from our school live, and took a cab from there to downtown. To get back, we took a cab to that same apartment building then boarded the shuttle bus that was taking some teachers shopping in the evening, thinking that someone from our building would be there as well and that we could get back home with our own shuttle bus. After thinking about it some more, we figured nobody would be there and decided to take a cab home from that store. Well, someone was there, kind of looking for us but we were nowhere to be found. We didn't have anyone's phone number from our building, thus no way of letting them know that we were already heading back. After we got back, we heard there had been a bunch of phone calls made trying to locate us. We felt like two 12 year olds that missed curfew! It was all pretty funny. They told us that we might see our faces on the sides of milk cartons. We'll let you know if that happens or not!


  1. Gil & Marg TremblayAugust 31, 2013 at 7:08 PM

    Jaqui & Richard,

    So glad you sent me the link so we can be a part of your KUWAIT Journey. I've been reading it every day & printing the pages so I let the kids & others read it. Jacqui, you look good on the white couch - is that part of your apartment? I'm glad to see you smiling - I know this is going to be quite a journey.

    Enjoy the "Kuwait" beer & let us know if it tastes anything like our varioous beers. I, myself, will have a Baileys on you..

    Keep safe & let me know if you get this comment.

    Love you two,

    Aunt Marg
