Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sunday, April 12th - Dubai - Muscat in 5 hours!!

It can be done!!! We drove back from Dubai airport to Muscat on Friday in 5 hours, like it's supposed to take. We left Jordan at 8am (had left the hotel at 3) for a 3 hour flight and got to Dubai at noon. Unfortunately, there were a gazillion people at passport control; we were there for almost 1½ hours. We left the airport, got into the car and drove home, without any problems at any borders, without getting lost ... it almost felt weird! It was a nice way to end a very nice trip!

We went for lunch on Saturday, and went grocery shopping while Julie did some work. We went out for dinner and called it a night afterwards. We set the alarms for 5am for Sunday morning; it's back to work for the final stretch.

We worked all day, went out for dinner with Julie and drove her back to the airport around 9:30pm. She is going back home after a very nice two weeks. It was a lot of fun to have her with us for a while. Next up is Nic, who is coming up at the end of April/early May.
Part of the crowd at Passport Control in Dubai

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