Monday, December 9, 2013

Monday, December 9th - Jacqui's IPhone = pictures!!

Thanks to Jacqui's phone, you will be able to look at pictures of Kuwait once again. I do have the camera, but don't often take it with me when going for "ordinary day" outings.

Jacqui is slowly adjusting to Kuwait time; she's going to bed earlier than last week (around midnight now, instead of 4 - 5 am) and, by the same token, getting up earlier (around 10 am). We didn't do much last Friday; we went grocery shopping and bought ourselves a small Christmas tree (really small). That will be the topic of the next blog entry! We went to visit the Kuwait Towers on Saturday afternoon. It was a nice day, sunny, around 23 degrees when the sun was out, but it cooled off quickly after sunset (to around 18). We also discovered ... you guessed it, another mall. It's the Souk Sharq. We also started looking for our weekend trip to Dubai; we felt we didn't have enough time to go to Oman (the original plan), which is a little further and a lot more expensive. The trip was finalized on Monday afternoon. Leaving Thursday night  6ish to return Sunday night 8ish. I'm taking my personal leave on Sunday to make it a 3 day weekend. We are looking forward to this little get away.

Jacqui, on Dec. 7th, with the Kuwait Towers in the background
Richard, by the water

The Kuwait Towers

At the Shark Mall, overlooking a marina

Taking a break (and a bite to eat!)

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