Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thursday, December 26th - Packing day

The last few days have been pretty quiet; a lot less hectic than it normally is at home just before Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we went to the old souk in downtown Kuwait, then to the Sharq Mall and finished off the day by visiting the Grand Mosque. The kids really enjoyed it, finding the souk pretty different than what we have in Canada, and the Grand Mosque
quite impressive. On Christmas day, we went to the Avenues Mall for a bit then went out for Korean food for dinner - not your typical Christmas dinner! And today, we are all packing and getting ready to leave later on tonight (we fly out at 2h30 Friday morning) to start our trip to Africa and our long awaited safari. Just getting there already seems like an adventure. First we were landing in Arusha, which is where we are going. Then the changed the flight to Kilimanjaro (about 60 km from our final destination). Now they've changed the arrival time as well, from 6 pm to 10h30 pm. Factor in an hour drive to get to Arusha and we won't be at the hotel before midnight. The early morning departure for the safari the next day will come quickly!

Sharq Mall
All dressed up and ready to visit the Grand Mosque
Checking out the Mosque
The oldest Quran
Our family, at our Christmas dinner (the food hasn't arrived yet!)


  1. Joyeux Noël et bon voyage les Emond!
    Lucie et Harry

  2. Nice to see a picture of all of you on Christmas Day united once more as a family. I hope you all have a wonderful Safari Trip in Africa.

    Love & miss you,
    Aunt Marg
