Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Saturday, April 26th - Going back to Kuwait

We spent part of the day walking along the Thames River. It was very busy but it's easy to understand why there were so many people; there is so much to do and it is such a nice place to walk. We left for the airport shortly after 6 pm. Our flight leaves at 10h30 pm (00h30 Kuwait time) and lands at 6h35 am (if it's on time); I am planning on going directly from the airport to school while Jacqui will go by the apartment to drop off the suitcases before going to school. Not sure how that will work out!

Along the Tiver Thames

The eye, up close

Jacqui, and Big Ben

My turn!

Food market close to the river

So good!

It's a long walk!

We'll miss you!

Waiting for the tube to go take the train to the airport

Disney store in Harrods

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