Saturday, November 30, 2013

Saturday, November 30th - Doesn't look like December around here!

Things got a little shaky again on Friday night - a 5.7 earthquake in Iran was felt here as well. The building didn't move like last week, but you could still feel it.

Temperatures have warmed up for the weekend, which caused traffic problems by the beach. I went for a walk down towards that area on Friday. The parking lot for the beach was full (it was a beautiful day for the end of November, 28 degrees), so people started parking on the sidewalk and in the first of the 3-lane street. This caused people to stop in the second lane to unload their stuff, meaning that traffic that wanted to get by only had one lane for it. People here are masters of Honking the Horn; you shoud have heard it. New York City doesn't even come close to this place! They honk for everything. Drivers slow down, they honk. A bus picks up someone by the side of the road, they honk. It's even weirder when they stop at what would be equivalent to our corner stores. Since there is no place to park, they stop in the first lane or pull up on the sidewalk, and honk their horns. Someone from the store comes out, takes their order, goes back in to get what they need and brings it back. Obviously, if it takes more than a few seconds, they honk again.

The rest of my weekend was quiet. Waiting for Jaqui to get here on Monday night. It'll be nice to be together again.

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