Saturday, October 26, 2013

Friday - October 25th - Our Failaka Island trip

We did a tourist thing: a group of 18 of us took a boat to go visit Faikala Island, an island located about 20 km east of Kuwait City. It used to be a vibrant community before the gulf war, but has basically been abandonned since. It was weird to see a bunch of buildings but nobody around, or to see, buildings falling apart due to the war. There is a hotel on the island, but I'm sure you can find a better location for your next holiday! It wasn't a very exciting tour; kind of disappointing.
On our way to Faikala Island, Kuwait City in the background
Parts of Kuwait City, seen from the gulf

On Faikala Island
Old air pump - I guess it still works

Richard, holding up the fort!
Sunset on the Island, shortly before 5 pm!

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