Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday, October 21st - Discovery of another shopping mall!

My day at school wasn't too busy; it was kind of nice actually. Jacqui and I went for a walk after school, going to a nearby mall (a 15 minute walk) that we knew existed but that we had never visited. We didn't expect to much, as it seems to be build in a pretty residential area. Well, what a surprise. It doesn't look like much from the outside, but once you get inside, it has four floors of shops, a skating rink (fake ice, though), a big area for kids to play, and your typical food court and movie theater. There are more shops outside the mall. Too bad we're not big shoppers; someone could spend a lot of time in that place and all the other malls around this city. The rest of our evening was quiet; we watched TV for a bit then called it a day.

Jacqui starts tutoring tomorrow; we'll see how that goes.
The museum we visited last Friday.

There is vegetation in Kuwait (as long as you water it!)

The Al Bairaq mall, 15 minute walk from our place.

Same mall!

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