Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wednesday, October 16th - A day at the beach

We headed out to The Palms Beach Club around 11am and spent the whole day laying on the beach and talking with fellow teachers who were already back from their short trip to Dubai (like us) or that just didn't go away for various reasons. We realized that everyone misses home to some degree, whatever the definition of home is. For the young teachers, home is still pretty much the same way it was when they left : the house, the neighbourhood, the friends, .... For some of us older teachers, the definition of home is somewhat different. It is more of a concept, or an image of a place that doesn't exist as such anymore. The definition of home as we normally understand it is changed, as there is no house to go back to, and maybe no job waiting for us (but friends are still there). Getting used to this idea is probably what makes it so hard for some people to adjust to this life away from what we've all been used to for years. Hopefully, time will take care of that.

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