Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday, October 5th - Jacqui's last visit at CBS

Jacqui and I went to school in the morning to pick up whatever she didn't want to leave in her class. Even today, she said that this place wasn't made for her; it never felt right. We're glad she's outta there! She'll start looking for a new job on Sunday. We got a few names of schools from her former principal and another colleague.
After lunch, we went back to the Palm Beach Club for a few hours. It was very nice, again. We got back early, so Jacqui could get on Skype with Julie and friends. I did marking (tests) at night and Jacqui spent most of the night on Skype. She is so much more relaxed now, it's great.

For what it's worth (I didn't see it), one of the teachers saw a women wearing a full abaya, ... and a cowboy hat! Must have been a sight to see!
Pictures from the Friday Market
Fishing rods and gear for sale

At the Friday Market

The Market - one big Flea Market

Tons of those around

Urns of all sizes

Those cushions are very colorful and quite comfy

Jacqui and Sandra, my VP

Bright colorful cushions - made in Saudi Arabia

Framed any hooks lately?

Small chandeliers

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