Sunday, September 14, 2014

Friday, August 22nd – The day that wasn’t

This new chapter of our blog starts a little late. As you read along, you will find out why this was. Sorry for the inconvenience; I know a lot of you friends and family are anxiously waiting to hear from us. In a few words, we are fine and loving it. Happy reading!!

Friday, August 22nd – The day that wasn’t

Have you ever felt like a day totally disappeared out of your life? Well, we have. We left Toronto on Thursday, Aug. 21st at 10:45 pm (after a very nice dinner with Nicolas and Vincent), flew for 13 hours to Abu Dhabi, had a two hour layover and then had an hour flight to Muscat. By the time we landed, got through immigration and customs, met up with people from school that were picking us up, picked up SIM cards for our phones and drove to the apartment, factoring in an 8 hour time difference, it was 1am Saturday morning by the time we got “home”! Friday just didn’t happen!
The “flat”, since we work in a British school, is very nice. It’s about twice the size of what we had last year in Kuwait. We have two bedrooms, both with beds, including a queen size bed in the master bedroom, two and a half bathrooms, a large living room with a real couch, and a small kitchen with lots of cupboard space. It is very nice … looks like a real apartment!

So far, the first impression is good. We have a tour of the city and of the Muscat area planned for tomorrow morning; we are looking forward to that.
Our bedroom, with a queen size bed!!

In our second bedroom - it has furniture

Jacqui's stuff - mine is in the master bedroom!

Living room, with a real couch and chair

and work desk

and a table with four chairs - You might think this isn't much, but it is so much better than what we had last year!!


  1. Hooray! You're alive! Just kidding... glad to read again! :)

  2. So happy to hear from you guys again!! Your apartment looks great!

  3. Wow, real furniture. Glad you made it safe. Miss you guys already!
