Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23rd - Another one going!

Another day at school, another surprise. Our principal who had been away for a week and a half due to illness told us by email this morning that she wasn't coming back, ever. Illness might have been a factor but there might be more to it than that. She's headed back to Canada for now, and will try to find a new position somewhere in the world in due time. I guess it opens doors for us, having a contact in another school somewhere (Jacqui could go through culture shock all over again!). She had a moving out sale (she lives in the same apartment building as we do) so we bought her flat screen TV. We'll be looking for a couch at the local souks (markets) in the next few weeks.

Speaking of Jacqui, she is doing better but things are still not perfect. It takes time I guess. Her day at work was fine. I had curriculum night tonight so she went out with some teachers to the movies at Marina Mall. This is the first time that she'll have to come back by cab by herself. By the way, she's not back yet (but it's still early)! Everything will be fine ... I just don't know when.

I made it back no problem with one of our faithful drivers, Ali.  Was really nice to go out and see a movie...have not done that since we got here!!  The movie (Getaway) was really bad, but who cares....Nice to have a girls night!

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