Saturday, September 28, 2013

Saturday, September 28th - End of a weekend.

We went to school in the morning to work in Jacqui's classroom then went grocery shopping. While at the store, we saw a man in the meat department buying a whole lamb (yes, it was skinned and cleaned but still, you had the whole carcass with meat on it); it was a little different than what we are used to at home. I guess it would be like going to buy meat at a slaughter house, except we never do that. The rest of the day was spent skyping with family and friends. We heard through one conversation that the leaves are just starting to change colors in Waterloo Region. Well, our palm trees are still green! Not sure what fall looks like around here. We will let you know when it gets here.
Neat building close to the souk

Fake palm tree!

Along one of the main roads, close to the souk

Liberation Tower, built after the Gulf War.

Flag of the State of Kuwait

From our menu at the souk; we had Rise and Chicken (better than Fall and Chicken?)

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