Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25th - It's cooling off!

Temperatures are cooling off a bit. It's beautiful when we leave in the morning, at around 6h15. Temperatures are now in the mid to high 20's at that time and in the mid to high 30's during the day (instead of the mid 40's that we had when we got here). We went for a walk along the gulf tonight; it was very nice. Lots of lights, nice "boardwalk" made of interlocking stones, 33 degrees ... just beautiful. And no, we didn't get the frost warning that you had in the Waterloo region earlier this week. Our day at school was OK. Jacqui's EA was absent but someone else came in her room to give her a hand. She's hanging in there! We picked up our new "used" 37 inch flat screen TV after school from my former principal. We get a better picture than what we had before, even though we still don't watch much TV. But when we do, it'll be more enjoyable.

One more day until the weekend and two weeks until the holidays. It's not that we're counting, but as dedicated teachers, we need to know how many teaching days we have left with our students before they leave us for a certain period of time! It's strictly business!!

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