Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday, September 11th - Jacqui's birthday

When we woke up this morning, Jacqui was one year older (she didn't seem to sleep that long!). Yep, she turned 29 again, for the 24th time, I guess (if you do the math, don't forget that the first time was a real 29 and therefore she's only had 23 repeats of that age). She had a good day at school. Her students sang her Happy Birthday in class and her EA organized a lunch that they shared with all of the other SK teachers (there's 6 of them). After school, we went directly from school to the Avenues mall. A colleague gave us a ride so we didn't even have to cab it. At the mall, we went to the "Brasserie de l'étoile" for a drink.
What would you expect to drink in a brasserie?
Well yes, of course, lemonade. Cheers!!
We walked around the mall for a bit after that then met some friends for dinner at Cheesecake Factory. We   had a very nice dinner and a lot of laughs. We got back home around 9 pm and Jacqui was pretty tired. She checked her email, talked to her mom for a few minutes and went to bed. It's tough getting old!! It was a different birthday compared to what we're used to, but then again, everything here is different (and supposed to be). For example, on the way back, the taxi driver asked me to buckle up because the alarm in his car kept beeping if my seatbelt wasn't on. It's the first time I've buckled up since we've been here. In Kuwait, it's an insult to the driver if you put your seatbelt on. Go figure!

Jacqui waiting for our friends to get to the restaurant.

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