Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, September 2nd - Morale Booster

Jacqui had a better day at school. Her group is fine, they're cute and she enjoyed it. We DIDN'T go shopping today, it was the first time since we've been here that that's happened ('bout time!). We used our time at home to talk to a lot of people back home through Skype; it felt really good to reconnect with a lot of our friends and family. There's even one person who showed me a full can of beer while we we're talking; it was funny! We also cooked a real dinner (for the first time) : steak (australian beef), potatoes and ceasar salad. It was yummy. Finally, we hired a maid for cleaning and ironing. She is coming in on Friday; we'll see how that goes. We'll keep you posted.


  1. AllO! Continuez à mettre des photos, j'aime ça voir ce que vous faites. On commence demain! Yikes! Je suis prête et même excitée maintenant. Ça va être une bonne année je pense. Elle sera interessante for sure! Je vous garde au courant ;) J'adore lire votre blog! Une idée géniale!

  2. Look forward to the nightly blog too! Loved Skyping today- that was the highlight of my day. Miss you lots! xo
