Friday, September 13, 2013

Thursday, September 12th - Not so rosy

We just finished our third week in Kuwait. Wow, time flies! We are getting more familiar with the place; we have a few familiar spots that we go to for groceries and restaurants. We even bumped into the same cab driver 5 days apart; what are the odds of that happening in a city of over 2 million people? We tried to get satellite TV installed in the apartment after school (a lot of the people in the building have it). The guy had problems finding the place (no surprise there) and when he got here and installed the equipment in the apartment (something like a Rodgers box), he realized that the signal wasn't strong enough, and that he would have to repair/replace the satellite dish on the roof. He didn't have time to do that so he put everything back in the box and told us to call them again for another installation (I must also say that the building manager wasn't going to let him get on the roof as there is supposedly nothing wrong with the satellite dish). So, for now, we're still stuck with cable and multiple arabic stations and two english speaking ones. I'll call them tomorrow to try to sort this out. After he left, Jacqui and I went out for dinner and had a quiet evening. Jacqui was in bed early as she feels very tired after work. She loves the kids and the staff but doesn't like the job that she does very much. She finds it very hard and frustrating to work without many ressources for the kids. We'll see what happens with that.

A mosque, located close to our apartment.

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